What Tactics Combat Writer's Block for Publishers?


    What Tactics Combat Writer's Block for Publishers?

    Struggling with writer's block or creative slumps can be a major hurdle for authors and editors alike. To uncover effective strategies, we've gathered insights from a Nonfiction Editor and Publishing Coach to a Chief Marketing Officer. From seeking quick wins to stepping away to stimulate creativity, explore the four valuable tactics these professionals use to reignite their creative spark.

    • Seek Quick Wins and Recharge
    • Utilize Feedback for New Insights
    • Leave Unfinished Work for an Easy Start
    • Step Away to Stimulate Creativity

    Seek Quick Wins and Recharge

    As a book coach, content creator, and twice-traditionally-published author, I've often nudged myself and my clients to find something—anything—on the to-do list that's writing-related. My advice, based on years of experience, is to do whatever you can that will give you a quick win or a little momentum. Skip ahead if you have to. Write something that's less urgent or easier to do. Find and pick the low-hanging fruit. Any progress is better than no progress.

    I often find it helps when struggling with writer's block or creative slumps to do something that recharges the soul. Take a little break and reach out to a friend; do a good deed; step out into nature; cuddle with a pet; do some yoga; try a new wine or a chocolate bar. Anything that slows you down for a bit and (hopefully) puts you in a better headspace.

    Daniel Tortora is a freelance editor and publishing coach for American nonfiction authors. His much-visited website offers popular digital courses and downloads as well as dozens of articles on writing, publishing, and book marketing. He's a former radio DJ and a potato chip fanatic.



    Daniel Tortora
    Daniel TortoraNonfiction Editor and Publishing Coach, danieljtortora.com

    Utilize Feedback for New Insights

    Getting feedback from a trusted advisor or colleague is one of the most effective methods for overcoming writer's block and creative slumps. When you are not sure what to write about, ask someone to review what you have already written. Let your advisor or colleague provide input on what you might have left out. Ask if they see any points you oversimplified or overstated, or perhaps misstated or understated. Use that feedback to identify new topics and also to improve your existing text. When done well, getting feedback can help you revise and extend your existing work in important and meaningful ways.

    Adam Ross NelsonAuthor, Career Coach, Data Scientist, Up Level Data, LLC

    Leave Unfinished Work for an Easy Start

    One way to stop slumps is to stop writing for the day when a project isn't complete, but you do know what you need to add to make it complete. That will make it much easier to start where you left off tomorrow because you won't have to come up with additional insights to begin working.

    Eric Novinson
    Eric NovinsonFounder, This Is Accounting Automation

    Step Away to Stimulate Creativity

    One tactic I've found particularly effective in overcoming writer's block is stepping away from the work to engage in a completely different activity. It may sound counterintuitive, but it works wonders.

    Once, while struggling with a blog post, I decided to take a break and go for a hike. Being in nature, away from the screen, refreshed my mind and opened up a new flow of ideas. By the time I returned, I was ready to tackle the piece with renewed energy and perspective.

    The key is to give your mind a break and change your environment. This shift can stimulate creativity and provide the spark needed to overcome a creative slump. So, next time you're stuck, step away, do something you enjoy, and allow your mind to reset.

    Swena Kalra
    Swena KalraChief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.